Monday, March 1, 2010

The Hesitant Blogger

I have not ever considered blogging. Never. Although I love to write and I love having opinions on things, I never felt the need or want to have a blog. Then Sew Southern happened...
I'm starting a new home based sewing boutique. I've been busy with logos, branding, packaging, shipping, accounts, marketing, you name it! I never knew that what your business does, or what it makes is actually a very small part of what it takes to run a successful business. Sewing is the very least of my worries. In fact, I can't wait till I finally have a chance to sit down and sew something again.
Crafting has always been a huge joy for me. I remember getting in loads of trouble when I was 7 years old. I was holding crayons over a candle flame and drew with the dropping, melting wax. I burned 6 inch circle of carpet in my dad's office. Despite my punishment, I looked at my wax drawing with so much accomplishment and love. I guess I was done for after that. I've dabbled in everything since then; wood working, painting, stained glass, candle making, refinishing furniture, soap making, glass etching, the list goes on... When I had my first son, Connor, my mother taught me how to sew. I fell in-love. I quickly began making really hideous clothing for unlucky family members. Eventually I got better. Last December I entered a lovely gown into a Fashion Art show, I was accepted and the whole experience made me rethink my life. Since the birth of my latest addition, Grayson, I have been a stay-at- home mama. While I enjoy the time I can put towards my home and family, something was missing. I've had a job since I was 16 and I missed working. I realized I have a talent that I love to use and I should do something about it and quit wishing it would just magically happen. Boom! Sew Southern was born. I started making feather headbands and clips, made some custom garments, and I've been doing minor alterations for friends. Things started moving along, either by my will or by dumb luck.
So here I am, writing a blog. Mainly because every book I've read about handmade craft business says you gotta have a blog. I didn't want to at first. But I started thinking this could actually be really great. I could post recipes, cool diy crafts, help other friends promote their business, and who knows what else. Sky's the limit, right?
I'm about to open my Etsy shop, which will be my first avenue of sales that isn't face to face sales. I'm nervous but extremely motivated and I'm ready to "make it work." I hope you enjoy my blog. I can't promise it'll be the best blog you ever read, but I can promise that it won't be the worst.

Thanks for reading...

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